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“Everyone here has goals with their organization to try to mitigate the risk of social compliance issues. What the Task Force does is give us the opportunity to get into the same room, with shared values and goals and work together to try to solve those issues.”


“The groups are on the ground and we’re all involved, working at grass roots level. Everyone has a big stake in this.”

Thai Royal Frozen Foods

“Without collaboration, solving these complex, systemic issues is incredibly challenging. If we go at these issues alone, solutions will take longer, be more expensive and be more challenging for our businesses. What’s unique about STF is they are solving the problems on the ground ...trying to get to the root of the issues.”

Ahold Delhaize USA

“The Seafood Task Force’s priorities align with all three of the Moore Foundation’s own key lines of interest: private sector leadership; policy and governance; and transparency. And it is in transparency of production at sea and on aquaculture farms, and transparency of seafood products through supply chains, where STF has delivered an enormous push."

The Moore Foundation

“No single entity has enough resources to tackle these issues alone – there's a huge need for collective co-ordination. STF is unique – there's nothing else like it in the seafood industry. It provides a framework to collectively agree standards, test those standards and invest to improve them.”


“Governments are increasingly requiring our industry to demonstrate that they have the management systems in place to make continuous improvements on recruitment and employee rights. STF’s Code of Conduct helps you to do that."

Thai Royal Frozen Foods