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What is the seafood task force?

We are a group of seafood processors, feed producers, buyers, retailers, government representatives and NGOs who have come together to address issues surrounding labour and Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing in seafood supply chains.

How are decisions made?

The Task Force Board’s elected Chairperson is responsible for leading Task Force discussions and reaching agreement, where possible, by Board consensus. Decisions require a simple majority.

The Task Force counsels regular opinion from its Members and holds an annual Full-Member meeting. This meeting is key to the development of strategy and long-term goals. Due to its scale, the Board meets regularly (via electronic means) to make short-term decisions on behalf of the Organisation.

Is the seafood task force the same as the shrimp sustainable supply chain task force?

Yes, as Membership has grown, equal emphasis is now being placed on tuna and other seafood products so we have changed our name to reflect this broader scope.

Who is currently participating?

Task Force Membership is made up of funding partners and non-commercial stakeholders. For current Membership details click here.

Why is the task force different to other organisations?

We are the only international multi-stakeholder collaboration with full supply chain participation addressing risks of forced labour and human trafficking and IUU Fishing in the Thai seafood supply chain. We recognize that the social issues related to human rights abuse and the environmental issues related to marine conservation are both closely linked to illegal, unreported and uncertified fishing (IUU) hence the Task Force’s clear focus on tackling IUU. With strategic action plans, we are making things happen.

What do the membership fees cover?

Membership budget is required for the Task Force to finance full-time administrative management by means of a Secretariat, Multi-stakeholder Communications by means of dedicated specialist communication resources and external expertise by means of carefully selected partners bringing skills and services to the Sub-Groups as required. Budget allocation and cost approval decisions for these services and all other budget decisions sit with the Task Force Board.

Is the work of the task force just focused on Thailand?

Whilst the Task Force was originally formed to tackle issues in Thailand, it has started to use its models and expand its scope into other countries including Vietnam, India and Indonesia.

What is the fee period?

The annual fee covers twelve calendar months from the individual date of the Member receiving Membership Application approval from the Secretariat.

How can our organization get involved?

Anyone who buys seafood or has an interest to participate to actively solve the problems being faced can become a member. Please note, this is an action-oriented group and all Members are expected to actively contribute to the Sub-Groups, regular meetings and supporting the various work streams.

We want to become a Member and get actively involved, what’s the immediate next step?

Active involvement is a key part of STF Membership. To find out more about what is expected and whether Membership is right for your organisation, please send us your contact details by clicking here. We will then make contact to explain the joining process with you in person.

How is the Task Force funded and are there membership costs involved?

The Task Force is funded through Membership dues and donations.

We are not eligible to join but are interested in the progress being made – can we receive updates?

Yes, if you want to receive progress updates simply visit the contact page and subscribe to our mailing list.

Become a member

Join the growing number of retailers, brands, food service companies and their supply chain partners, working together to achieve better supply chain oversight, continuous improvement and compliance.