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Seafood Task Force, Pays Tribute to Gordon Moore, Co-founder of Intel Corporation

It is with great sadness and enormous gratitude that we pay tribute to Gordon Moore, co-founder of the Intel Corporation, who died earlier this year.

Together with his wife Betty, he established the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation in 2000, to support scientific discovery, environmental conservation, patient care improvements and preservation of San Francisco’s Bay Area.

The Moore Foundation continues to provide invaluable support to the Seafood Task Force to help drive forward our environmental and human rights improvements across seafood supply chains. 

Since our inception we have been fortunate enough to attract grants, as well as invaluable advice and expertise, from this and other international organisations including the World Wildlife Fund, Humanity United, The Freedom Fund, PEW Charitable trusts and Verité.

The support of these organisations is invaluable and has been fundamental in ensuring that our initiatives and actions get off the ground, enabling us to provide vital resources, toolkits and training for the fishers, farms, feed mills and communities we’re supporting.

But we are absolutely committed to using every penny wisely and to take the opportunity to develop and expand our membership, so that we are self-funded through the international retailers, suppliers and brands who see the value of the Seafood Task Force to their reputation, industry relationships and sales.

Bernd Cordes, Program Officer for Conservation and Markets at the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, comments:

“The Seafood Task Force’s priorities align with all three of the Moore Foundation’s own key lines of interest: private sector leadership; policy and governance; and transparency. And it is in transparency of production at sea and on aquaculture farms, and transparency of seafood products through supply chains, where STF has delivered an enormous push.

With both wild captured tuna and farmed shrimp, the foundation’s goal is to help incentivize better stewardship of stressed fisheries and better management of production on land, especially where shrimp farming and coastal habitats like mangroves meet.

With that in mind, we certainly think it has been a good decision to support the Seafood Task Force. Its secretariat and members are trying to affect real and measurable change. And because its members represent all segments of the seafood supply chain—producers, traders, processors, buyers, big, small—it is unique, there isn’t another platform quite like it.”

Martin Thurley, Executive Director, Seafood Task Force

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