Matt Hall - Head of Global Sustainability - StarKist - Joins STF Board
Matthew has been with StarKist since 2008 and has served in various roles, including Quality Assurance and Food Safety. As the Head of Global Sustainability, he oversees StarKist’s sustainability initiatives across operation and supply chain disciplines. He is also responsible for implementing environmental programs and working with suppliers and customers to ensure compliance with the company's sustainability standards.
StarKist has been working with the STF since 2018, adopting the organization's comprehensive standards for fair labor practices through its Code of Conduct. The company also utilizes STF's Vessel Auditable Standards, which are used to guide the assessment of a supplier’s compliance with the STF Code onboard fishing vessels and in their operations.
Starkist believes that Matthew’s appointment further underscores its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. The company, it says, has been taking significant steps towards progressing its sustainability program, including increasing sustainable sourcing of tuna and supply chain oversight.
Matthew comments: "StarKist is a socially responsible company, and it is an honour to participate on the STF Board of Directors. I believe that we have an obligation to improve human rights and mitigate environmental impacts within our industry. Real change is happening, and the Seafood Task Force will continue to be a hub for social and environmental transformation within the tuna industry."
The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the STF or other members of the STF Board.