Thai Fisheries Laws - STF issues open letter to Thailand's Prime Minister ... +++ 

Ann Wang - Grobest - on Collaborative Efforts to Drive Change at Scale

Industry challenges cannot be resolved by one company or one sector alone, says Ann Wang, Group Sustainability Director of Grobest. Collaboration among stakeholders is vital to driving meaningful change that can lead to a more sustainable seafood supply chain.

Grobest has been providing aquatic feed and aquaculture technical services to aquaculture farmers in the seafood industry for almost 50 years. In my role, I work closely with functional teams across the business to drive organization-wide sustainability strategy and transformation, with the goal of making progress against our ESG commitments.

As members of the Seafood Task Force – a community of like-minded businesses, organisations and experts from across the seafood supply chain – Grobest embraces its role in the global industry effort to drive social and environmental change. 

One company simply does not have the leverage to do this alone – only by working together can we drive change at scale. Giving aquaculture feed producers greater visibility in the supply chain is incredibly important, and we are delighted to have a voice at the table. 

Collaboration helps us tackle challenges across the whole supply chain, and education is vital for reaching and influencing the ultimate customer in the supply chain – consumers. I very much hope that in the future we will be able to translate the work we are doing into something consumers can relate to.

The Seafood Task Force is fundamental to achieving this and we appreciate the progress they are making, particularly in Thailand, and we are excited that they are expanding their work into other countries. The support of its members will be crucial to that expansion. This is a continuous journey and Grobest is proud to be a part of it, alongside other businesses and governments/regulators. 

  • About Grobest - Founded in 1974, Grobest has a proud history, serving farmers and the aquaculture community across the Asia region. With a mission “to feed the world by improving the health and growth of aquatic species through advanced nutrition”, Grobest today operates in eight markets across Asia, with 16 feed and pre-mix factories and more than 3,000 employees across the group. In addition to this broad presence across Asia, the world’s largest aquaculture market, Grobest is also a pioneer and technological leader in an array of innovative and differentiated functional feed products. The company also provides technical services and assistance to aquaculture farmers throughout Asia.

The views in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the STF.

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